I have neglected to blog for the past few months, as I continue to try and grow my
videography business and be a good mom. It's been a very busy but fun couple of months. I have also FINALLY put my poetry book together. Look to upcoming posts for all the details.
Until then, I also want to share some pictures from Aimee's bridal shower! My Aunt Shelly, sister Marissa and I had so much fun putting it together and I got WAY trigger happy with my camera. Here are a few of the best pictures for your viewing pleasure.
We dipped oreos in chocolate molds and then messed around with glitter sprays and powders. These are the pretty survivors.
My Aunt is really crafty, whether she will admit it or not! She made these cute signs. That's my handwriting there...that's right I helped!
My littlest sister Jillian is really cute! |
These are hand-knit little heart bags that my Aunt and her sister made...because they're amazing. We filled them with kisses and gave them as favors. |
This is Aimee and her fabulous future mother-in-law. This woman is the sweetest person, you'd never guess that on-duty she's a bad-A cop ;) |
Lindsay Dunn is pretty much the cutest chick I've ever met in person. |
Aimee and her friends. Adorbs. Ew...just kidding I would never I promise. |
Aimee feeling awkward about what was in that Frederick's bag. |