My sweet little boy turned one yesterday. We took the opportunity to start up some new family traditions. We timed him in a 400m (17:00) and gave him a birthday haircut!
Henry had an awesome birthday. He go to celebrate with some cutie girls,
and have an awesome party with family and friends.
There was cake!Thanks Myrna Harris!It was beautiful and delicious.
...and A LOT of toys.
Thanks to everyone for spoiling him. I woke up this morning at 6 am because I was so excited to watch him play!
Henry was smiley and happy the whole evening. I can't believe how fast this year went by. Children should simply never be allowed to grow up. I could write pages and pages on the issue. In fact I HAVE written pages and pages!! "While You're Teeny Tiny" is still in the works, which is partially why I've neglected this blog. Look to future posts to get your own copy ;)
For now I'll just say. Happy birthday love!!